Save. Keep. Maintain. These are synonyms for conserve, typically used to reflect a desire for permanency. Yet, there is another synonym in this same word camp, perhaps not as frequently used, but in our case, one that better reflects the ideology of CDW founder, Charles (“Donnie”) Donovan White. And that word is preserve.
Donnie is a land-man at heart. Born into a Texas farming and ranching family, his parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents before them made a living off the land like many others in the southwest. An original environmentalist, Donnie lived and breathed his ecosystem, literally and figuratively. He was raised under the precept that the land provides and evolves with you. It is not something to be “kept” in time, rather preserved and nurtured over time.
Out of high-school, Donnie moved on to Sam Houston State University where he pursued a degree in Agricultural Business coupled with a minor in Finance. He later entered banking where he worked in property management, specifically centered on the larger farming, oil and gas sectors. It was here where the notion of CDW Consulting took shape. Donnie’s environmental vision of “preservation” was already firmly ingrained, what he lacked however was a more technical toolkit that he attained over decades in banking world.
CDW Consulting is a preservation first firm, with an environmentalist mindset that albeit distinct in name, is powerfully connected to, and for the land.